PiAC Summer Intern BBQ

(left to right–Josh Nastarowicz, a rising junior in Mechanical Engineering from Rowan University in New Jersey; Edward Klapper, a rising Senior in the University of Maryland Honors program in College Park, MD; Ashley Hoback, a recent graduate from Widener University in Chester, PA with a dual degree in Physics and Engineering; David Stilwell, a recent graduate from Villanova University in Radnor Township, PA; and Jake Berkowitz, a rising junior at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.)

The 2019 group of Piasecki Aircraft summer technical interns has an impressive array of technical and  academic credentials. They represent five different universities along the mid-Atlantic coast. In becoming part of the Piasecki team, the interns fired up the company grill, leading the annual summer employee bar-be-cue.

“Back to the days of my father, Frank N. Piasecki, our company has always had a tradition of nurturing next-generation technical talent.  It is important for us as we gain access to creativity and insight and they gain much-needed practical experience. Our summer intern program at Piasecki Aircraft is designed around that dual principle. We work hard to attract the best, most talented people possible and we put them to work on important projects for customers. We have always had a strong commitment to apprentice and graduate recruitment and to the ongoing development of our employees skills,” said Fred W. Piasecki, Piasecki Aircraft Board Chairman and Chief Technical Officer.