Piasecki Aircraft Reveals Progress in Hydrogen-Powered Urban Air Mobility Feasibility Study

Piasecki Aircraft Corporation (PiAC), known for its advancements in rotorcraft and unmanned systems, has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract by the Department of Energy (DOE). This contract supports a study on the feasibility of using hydrogen fuel cells to power urban air mobility (UAM) rotorcraft, specifically vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicles. The study aims to assess hydrogen fuel cells as a potential alternative to traditional internal combustion engines and battery power for these future urban transport solutions.

The initial phase of the project has been completed and has provided valuable insights. Key findings include:

  • Environmental Impact: Hydrogen fuel cell and battery-powered vehicles exhibit minimal greenhouse gas emissions, presenting a clear advantage over internal combustion engine (ICE) models.
  • Operational Efficiency: Among the different technologies assessed, the liquid hydrogen fuel cell variant offered the best performance. It matched the range of the ICE model (270 nautical miles) and outperformed the gaseous hydrogen and battery variants in terms of range and operational efficiency. The liquid hydrogen variant could complete up to five 50-nautical mile flights before needing to refuel, while the battery-powered variant could not meet the required performance without frequent recharging.
  • Cost Efficiency: Hydrogen fuel cell variants, particularly those using liquid hydrogen, showed lower direct operating costs compared to the ICE model, recouping additional acquisition costs within one to four years. The battery-powered variant, despite its suitability for shorter missions, did not recover its higher acquisition cost due to limited battery life under high usage.

Piasecki’s study supports the broader U.S. initiative to develop hydrogen infrastructure, crucial for transitioning away from fossil fuels. In October 2023, the Biden-Harris administration and DOE announced a $7 billion investment to create clean hydrogen hubs and build a hydrogen infrastructure network.

John Piasecki, President and CEO of Piasecki Aircraft, emphasized the significance of the study in advancing zero-carbon vertical mobility solutions. He highlighted the potential of hydrogen fuel cells to transform the $40 billion light helicopter market and boost the emerging air taxi sector.

See the full Press Release, here.